Beginning January 1, 2022, SB 1383 requires cities and counties to procure annually a quantity of recovered organic waste products.

Senate Bill 1383 is a state law designed to reduce disposal of organic material in landfills, including edible food, to meet the state’s climate goals. Cities are required to establish an edible food recovery program and increase food recovery capacity in your area. Therefore, food generators like yours, are required to donate the maximum amount of their edible surplus food that would otherwise be disposed of in the compost or landfill. Food generators are also required to subscribe to an organic waste collection service for non-edible food. City programs are designed to educate edible food generators and increase access to food recovery organizations and services. Your city and Mid Valley Disposal Recycling Coordinators are required to monitor commercial generators’ compliance and offer technical assistance to ensure you have the right services to fit your needs.

Food Recovery Organization Directory
Food Recovery Requirements for Businesses
Grocery Store Food Loss Prevention Tips
Legal Protections
Restaurant Food Loss Prevention Tips

If you would like more information or have questions, contact Mid Valley Disposal at 559-843-2467 or visit the website at

Acceptable Materials for Solid Waste Bins
Acceptable Materials for Bins