NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, on September 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, the City Council of the City of Mendota will hold a public hearing at a regular meeting at Mendota City Hall, City Council Chambers, 643 Quince Street, Mendota, CA 93640 to conduct the following business:

  1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE CITY OF MEDNOTA 2023-2031 (6th CYCLE) HOUSING ELEMENT, the Housing Element is a State-mandated element of the City of Mendota’s General Plan. It describes and analyzes housing and demographic information, constraints to provision of affordable housing, and expectations for new housing construction during the 2023-2031 planning period. It also outlines policies and programs that the City will implement during the planning period in an effort to ensure that all segments of the community have access to quality housing. Adoption of the Housing Element constitutes an amendment to the City’s General Plan Update 2005-2025. Although future development will be required to comply with the provisions of the Housing Element, the Housing Element does not itself approve or propose any physical development. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), where it can be seen with certainty that a project will not have a significant impact on the environment, that project is exempt from further environmental analysis. Copies of the Housing Element are on file and available for public review at Mendota City Hall. The Planning Commission considered the adoption of the Housing Element at the August 27, 2024, Planning Commission meeting and have forwarded a recommendation to the City Council to adopt the Housing Element.

All interested persons are invited to appear at the time and place specified above to give testimony regarding the proposed actions listed above.  Written comments may be forwarded to the City of Mendota Public Works & Planning Department at 643 Quince Street.  Requests for information may be directed to the City Planner, Jeff O’Neal, at 559.449.2700 or

If you challenge the above matter(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council of the City of Mendota at, or prior to, the public hearing, or any comments received during the public review period of the associated entitlements.

Public Notice:
9/17/24 City Council Meeting Public Hearing Notice